International Higher Education Agencies Summit

The G7+ International Higher Education Agencies Summit is a traditional closed-door meeting organized on a rotating basis by the internationalization agency of the country holding the G7 presidency. The Summit, which brings together G7 international agencies along with representatives from other countries, aims to address issues related to the new challenges facing Higher Education.

Uni-Italia has organized and chaired two editions of the Summit, in 2017 and 2024.

The first edition, held in Turin, welcomed delegates from 10 international agencies and focused on the main theme: “The New Challenges: Knowledge Spreading vs New Fears.” Another significant topic discussed was the internationalization of research, featuring the presentation of the report “Globalizing University Research” by the AIFS Foundation (USA). The day concluded with the unanimous approval of “The Turin 2017 Declaration: Common Statement of Agencies Supporting Mobility in Higher Education.

The second edition, held in Milan, saw a significant increase in interest, with representatives from 15 international agencies in attendance. In the context of economic and social recovery and in response to emerging global challenges, the topics addressed during the Summit – ranging from mobility to talent retention and the integration prospects for international students – sparked keen interest among participants. The “Milan Declaration - Common Statement of Agencies Supporting the Internationalisation of Higher Education” is the result of a collaborative effort and has been warmly received, with 17 agencies signing it to date, including two that were unable to attend the event in person.

Both Declarations are included in their respective proceedings.
